The Green BookTM was developed by the information editors of American Saddle Makers Association (ASMA) to help the saddle maker estimate prices for goods and services.  Due to the variables in the industry the data is based on an average for times, material costs, wages, and overhead expenses.  In determining this data the following criteria have been used.

    1.  Times  – The times are based on a saddle maker with 3 to 5 years of experience in the discipline in which she or he has been trained.  When crossing over to another discipline your times will differ based on the level of expertise you have in the other discipline.

     2.  Materials  –  
          A.  Leather costs are based on an average cost of premium leather.

          B.  Hardware costs are based on stainless steel or solid brass when available.  

          C.  The cost of materials are based on the minimum quality.

     3. Wages – The wage data is based on the median household income for the United States with payroll taxes, health insurance,              and retirement account included.  (For individual state data see the chapter on the western saddle.)

     4.  Overhead expenses –  The overhead data is based on average overhead costs.
     5.  Shop Rate – The shop rate consists of both labor and overhead expenses.  For comparison and as a bench mark each item has a highlighted shop rate based on the median household income for the United States (with payroll taxes, health insurance, and retirement account included) and average overhead costs.
     Each saddle maker may have to adjust the data to fit his or her level of experience and purchasing methods.  Also, the data is based on an average repair, and depending on the actual item to be repaired additional time and material costs may be encountered when difficulties arise.  There are some repairs that require a level of expertise that is higher than the standard 3 to 5 years of experience.  These repairs are noted by the editors and included for informational purposes.   

50% RULE
     When the cost of a repair is 50% or more of the replacement cost of the like item, the editors suggest that the customer be informed that the repair is not cost effective and should not be done.  The decision is in the hands of the customer, and sometimes the customer will agree to have the repair done.
     All repairs should be preformed with safety as the most important aspect of the repair.  The editors have made special note of those repairs in which safety is of major concern.  Safety considerations will generally cause the repair to be more expensive and the customer may object to the higher cost.  If the customer objects to the cost of the repair and requests that the safety concerns be overlooked the repair should be declined.

     Every effort has been made by the editors to compile realistic data.  If you disagree with any of the data herein, please send a copy of the item with your changes noted and the editors will review the information and make the appropriate changes.   The more information that is available will result in more reliable data.  Also, if you think an item needs to be added, notify the editors and they will review the item and if needed add the item.   


1-719 494-2848

email  – info@saddlemakers.org  

While every effort is made by the editors to attain accuracy typographical errors and omissions may occur.  
ASMA then cannot be responsible nor does it assume responsibility for such omissions and errors.

Copyright 2005 - 2016 American Saddle Makers Association, Inc.